Brewers Friend - Water Adjustment Summary

Thought I'd try the Mash Chemistry and Brewing Water Calculator over at Brewers Friend.  Here's a table summary of the calculations...

CaCl (g)CaS04 (g)Lactic Acid (ml)NaHC03 (g)pH @ 25CFinal Water Report (mg/l)
Best Bitter5772-5.491.22.118.449.8166.5
English IPA5994-5.41107.92.118.449.8206.3
American IPA5996-5.42107.92.118.449.8206.3
Milk Stout55---5.4453.82.118.449.876.8
Robust Porter55--25.4153.

Some significant differences from the Bru'n Water spreadsheet!  Lighter brews require way more lactic acid to hit the target pH.  Correspondingly, darker brews have less dependency for the addition of alkalinity.  I have noted a lack of structure in some of my brews so it should be interesting to see if these changes have any significant impact on the finish beers.  
